Friday, March 23, 2012

Thank You...

...For being you...Because I know that you've done something today, that is worth taking the time to thank you for.  And it may be something that was unique to this day, or it may be something that you do on a daily basis.  And maybe people are accustomed to you doing what you do, and because they expect it, they sometimes forget to say "Thank You".  So, Thank You.  For being a good friend, a good brother or sister, a good parent, or a good Son or Daughter, or a good spouse or significant other, a good employee, for being a good person, or for all of the above...Thank You.  If you've done something special for a stranger, even if it's giving them a smile or a kind word... Thank You.  For trying to be the best person that you can be, even when others sometimes make that hard to do... for having the strength to rise and greet the day, even when it'd be much easier for your eyes to remain closed... Thank You.  And for when you put others first, because their happiness equals yours...Thank You.  Thank You for being born, Thank you for Being... You.

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