Thank you...for another day of life, something that thousands who were here yesterday are no longer here to appreciate. For I know that this day represents more time. More time to become the person that I am capable of being, to take another step towards fulfilling my purpose, to come closer to reaching my goals, to express love and appreciation to those who are important in my life, and to perhaps invite new ones to enter it. And it means more time to experience, learn, understand, and grow.
Thank you...for those that I have loved, and have been loved by, both in the past and in the present. Thank you for my child, who represents the love I have to offer, and a version of me that the world has yet to see, while making her own unique and special mark on this world.
Thank you, for those who have come before me. The ones who thought out of the box, who dared to risk, who dared to be great, who dared to be the first, who dared to question what could and couldn't be done, who dared to say "Why not?" The ones who lived the life they loved and loved the life they lived. For it is as Isaac Newton once wrote, "If I have seen a little further, it is by standing on the shoulders of Giants." And thank you, for instilling in me that inherent desire to always walk my own path, regardless of the opinions of others. And thank you for granting me the perspective to see, that with mistakes and accomplishments alike, that was really the only way for me to go. And thank you, for the understanding, that the voice that speaks loudest in my head, and is the most critical to listen to, is my own.
Thank you...for the privilege of being born in this country. For while it is far from perfect, it still offers opportunities and freedoms which have thus far, escaped some of the other areas of the globe. Opportunities and freedoms which many of us here take for granted, sometimes feeling that we are "owed' something, and forgetting that with freedom comes responsibility. I will not make those mistakes. Thank you... because unlike some, I didn't have to work my way here, win a lottery for the opportunity to be here, or risk my life to get here. I was simply born...And who I was born to, and where they were living at the time of my birth, was not an accomplishment on my part, or anything that I had any control over. I will not forget to appreciate that fact.
Thank you...for my health, for the clothes on my back, for the roof over my head, and for the food in my belly. Having these things gives me less to worry about, so that I may further concentrate on my goals and purpose. I will not forget the fact that not everybody can say that. Even if these things are not in the perfect condition that I would like, I will not forget that things can always be worse. I will not forget the Persian proverb that say, "I cried because I had not shoes, until I saw the man that had no feet." And I will not forget that while in this country, we often fret about the decision as to what we shall choose to eat for our next meal, while in some other places, some people fret as to whether they will have a next meal at all. And for some, even when they can expect a next meal, a "choice" as to what it might be is something that they cannot comprehend.
And while I am grateful for what I have, I am also thankful for the knowledge, that it's perfectly alright for me to want more, providing that those things are in harmony with my purpose, and that the the pursuit of those things will not inhibit me from increasing the quality of person that I am. We are all goal-striving beings, and we are made to stretch the limits of our potential, and it is in harmony with our purpose to do so. Jim Rohn recognized this, and wrote in his book "The Five major life pieces of the life puzzle", "The ultimate reason for setting goals is to entice you to become the person it takes to achieve them." And I am grateful that I have come to understand this fact of life.
And I am grateful that I've learned, that the more that I appreciate what I already have, the more likely that I am to gain those other things which I desire. For when we feel good, we're more likely to attract good things. Feeling good increases our enthusiasm, and when we approach life with enthusiasm, we create a vibe that affects the things and people around us in a positive way. We have all encountered a person with a magnetic personality, and we get the impression that life denies this person of nothing. That's because it doesn't. "Magnetic" is a very accurate way to describe this kind of person, because he (or she) truly does attract to himself the things he desires in life. For life is bargaining. We all want things in life, and we must all exchange something in return for the things that we want. We don't get something for nothing in this life. Nothing worth having comes easy, and few things that come easy are worth having. The loftier our goal, the higher the price we must pay to attain it. And just as we all, when bargaining for something we want, are more likely to turn our money over to a person with a smile on his face, someone who is enthusiastic and magnetic, so life, is more likely to turn over it's rewards to those who are enthusiastic in their efforts, and show appreciation in their life, and for all it has to offer. I am grateful for having learned this critical lesson.
And I will never cease to discover and reflect on all that I have to be thankful and grateful for. I will be thankful for the Sun that smiles down on me, for I know that rich or poor, big or small, young or old, meek or bold, the Sun smiles on us all. And likewise, I will give thanks for the rain that cleans and refreshes me, and the earth as well. I will give thanks for the birds that sing, and my ability to hear their song. I will give thanks for the people that add to my life, and the ability and opportunity to add to theirs, for the sounds of the ocean waves, the laughter of a child, the dog that greets me with a wag of its tail, the trees that bring serenity to my soul, the wind that brushes my face, the immense variety of both people and experiences that exist in this world, random acts of kindness, the smiles that others share with me, and the inspiration of the human spirit. And I will be thankful for the endless possibilities of things to be grateful for. I have so much to be thankful for, it's just a matter of whether or not I will recognize these things today. And my gratitude and appreciation for the things of today, will provide more for which to be grateful for tomorrow.
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