Sunday, March 18, 2012

Beautifully, Uniquely... You

6 Billion people on this planet, and were created.  There must be a reason.  There must be something special about you, that makes you just a little bit different than anyone else.  Something that's unique to you, that's made you needed, necessary.  Maybe you've discovered it already, and maybe you haven't.  But I know that you've got it.  And it makes you Beautiful.  So if no one has told you that today, or showed you the appreciation that you deserve, then let me take a few moments to do that, and to remind you.  And if by chance, I'm not around to say it, and others neglect to do so, it doesn't make you any less beautiful or special.  Are snow capped mountains any less majestic, just because a day may go by where people fail to gaze on them?  Is the song of a bird any less beautiful, because no one is in it's presence to hear it? No. Their Beauty remains constant, intact, waiting to be shared.

And I also want to thank you...for being uniquely you. So many strive to be just like everyone else, merely a carbon copy.  Not only is it unnatural for anyone to be just like anyone else, it's also impossible. Just as no two snowflakes are alike, nor or any two sets of fingerprints alike, you are different than anyone who has come before you or anyone who will come after.  And the fingerprints that you leave, the impression that you make on the world that you touch, will be just a little bit different than that of any other person.  As will the footprints that you leave in any path that you walk.  That is nothing to shrink back from, but something to embrace, to revel in, to celebrate. Anais Nin wrote: "Each person presents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born."

You bring something uniquely different to this world, something that until you arrived was still unseen, because there was a need that was still unmet. None of us were made to be trivial or of no consequence.  If we ever cross paths, I hope that I notice what it is about you that makes you special, unique, and beautiful.  And if we don't, then I hope that someone else notices it and mentions it to you.  And most importantly, I hope that you notice it and accept it as well.  For the voice that speaks loudest in our minds is our own.  Have a Beautiful Day.  :)

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